Domina naujos galimybės? Susipažink su darbu ITCC! Kviečiame prie mūsų prisijungti pastolių montuotojus bei izoliuotojus. Skambink, rašyk mūsų Simonai. Ji suteiks visą informaciją apie darbus: +37067036302 //
Daugiau Susipažink su darbu ITCC! En
Modestas Siliūnas, CEO of JSC “ITCC”:
“We are always willing to take a step further in order to keep the positive and reliable image of our Company and to ensure client satisfaction. We are widely open to innovations and always strive for improvements. Our devotion to work, individual approach to the needs of every client, innovative and effective solutions - encourage us to seek for continuous progress and leadership positioning in the market. We are professionals of the field, fully committed to work and ready to propose flexible and innovative solutions.”